Viviane Gruais

Price range: $400-2500

gruais painting

Les noces a venir

The Invited

15x60" mixed media on canvas $2000.00


De grace en grace

15x60 Plexiglas $2000.00

Paintings come from the place where words can no longer be express” Gao Xingjian (Nobel Prize Literature 2000)

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I paint with acrylic because it gives me the ability to act quickly, which allows an act of pure expression. I am always listening to my inner turbulence moving back-and-forth between the observation of the world that surrounds me and his constant transformation. My inspiration comes from this perpetual challenge, this inner vibration that crystallizes to release secret sensations. " "In my abstractions, I always start with solid colors and then in a spontaneous gestural expression I use a wide range of shades that leaves room for color harmony despite their duality. I let go of the known world and rely on my memories of places I visited in both urban and natural environments, where the configurations are in constant motion.

Originally from France, Viviane Gruais was raised in a creative family atmosphere. From a young age, Viviane started to paint large formats paintings and regularly participated in various workshops. Her youth was punctuated with colors, materials, shapes, abstraction and exploration of patterns.

Throughout the seasons she would observed the landscape in all its forms, shapes and smells. All this natural materials helped her create her own space of peace and creativity. Her parents, being both art teachers and visual artists, were able to transmit this passion for painting and nature.

Viviane remains totally fascinated by the surrounding nature where she still finds refuge. It is in this atmosphere that she first began to write texts with poetic and spiritual resonance.

In 2003, after experimenting with several jobs, her existential quest led her back to school in the field of social studies. Meanwhile, the artist retained her lively creativity, writing and painting more than ever.. Therefore, painting became a necessity. Self-taught artist, it was only in 2007, after hibernating for sometimes, that she decided to put together her first exhibitions. It became her way of letting go. And so they were, full of doubts and daring, raw in their way of pointing the inexpressible that molds us all.

In 2010, the northern call awakens and brings her to reconnect with the wilderness that still lies dormant inside of her. A very strong attraction for indigenous peoples led her to study the customs and religious rites of the First Nations people.

Breaking with her roots, she decides to experience the great outdoors of Quebec. Quebec City will become the gateway where her pictorial writing will vibrate under the influence of speed and color. Spontaneous gestural painting then characterized Viviane Gruais. Through the lyrical abstraction of her paintings appear some flags that lead the eye to the more evocative. The sensitivity of the artist is reflected in the brightness of the colors and the richness of graphics and textures. Her works captivate the senses and nourish the soul. Paintings by Viviane Gruais are found on both continents, in temporary and permanent exhibitions, and in many private collections. The artist has also received several international art reviews for the entire of her work.

Hélène-Caroline Fournier – 2011 Director & Founder d'Art Total Multimédia

“Viviane Gruais’ color schemes are full of passion, enlighten by a supernatural radiance which slowly shapes the work. In a discussion about her recent work on Plexiglas, Viviane described the wonders of the world in a kind of vacuum of space, where everything re-registers and where the overall image is then amplified and jagged as a delicate rustling of leaves in a kaleidoscope. The material used allows her to address the primitive and intuitive gesture eloquently captured in the ice where the line becomes the single driving pictorial force, and allows the eye to capture with vigor the airspaces of a vacuum. With spontaneous precision, these divergent games of light and shadow create contrasts with a singular density.” Mémoire du paysage (Extract from original text) Pino Nicoletti, Art critic, Italy


2014: Galerie Dimension Plus, Montreal

2014-2013: Galerie d’art Andrée LaRoche, Quebec

2014-2013: Galerie L'espace contemporain, Quebec

2014-2012: Galerie Vignault, Montréal, Quebec

2014-2012: Galerie Lounge, Quebec

2014-2011: Galerie Art Total Multimédia, Quebec


2014: Cercle des artistes de Paris – Paris 12ème – France - (sélection avec jury)

Salon de Rézé – Nantes – France

2013: Centre culturel Maizerêt - Québec – Canada

Miniatures – L'Espace contemporain – Quebec - Canada

Langage abstrait – L'Espace contemporain – Quebec - Canada

Salon d'automne - Musée de Chemillé– Chemillé – France - (with jury selection)

Musée Marius Barbeau – Quebec - Canada - (with jury selection)

2013/2012/2011: Festival Découvr'Art – Quebec-Canada 2013 - Arte Internazionale - Musée de Matéra – Matéra – Italy - (with jury selection)

2013/2012: « La femme créatrice » - Galerie d'art Le Kamaïeu – Quebec-Canada

2013/2012/2011/2010: Festival Découvr'art – Quebec - Canada

2013/2012/2011: Route des créateurs de Bellechasse et Appalaches – Quebec - Canada

2013/2011: Symposium Plaine Couleurs – Quebec - Canada

2013-2009: Symposium Cap-Rouge – Quebec - Canada

2012: « Impression d'hiver » - Galerie l'espace contemporain – Quebec - Canada

2012/2011: La grande exposition internationale d'Artzoom – Quebec - Canada

2011: Salon International d'art contemporain - Libr'Art – Libramont – Belgique

Galerie Tzara - Quebec - Canada

2008: Biennale d'Art Contemporain – Annecy - France

Art Metz – Foire internationale d'Art Contemporain, Metz - France

2007: Grand marché d'art contemporain Octobre, Paris Bastille France

“Éloge du petit format” Galerie Cupillard, Grenoble France

2007 - Salon des indépendants Lyon – France - (with jury selection)

"Jeune création", Les Moulins de Villancourt – Isère – France SYMPOSIUMS


2014: « Les grottes de Matéra » - Musée de Matéra – Matera – Italy - (with jury selection)

« Le cœur des origines » - Grand Théâtre de Québec - Quebec – Canada - (with jury selection)

2013: « Aux delà des apparences » – Galerie d'art L’Espace contemporain Quebec - Canada

« Le cœur des origines » - L'Espace contemporain – Quebec – Canada

2013/2012: « Gaieté lyrique » – Flash coiffure Galerie d’art Québec - Canada

« Intemporel » – Le Kamaïeu / École d’art, Galerie d’art, Québec-Canada

2012: Route des Créateurs de Bellechasse et Appalaches 9e édition – Quebec - Canada

« Face à Face» - L'Espace contemporain – Quebec – Canada

2011: Centre de santé consciente – Quebec - Canada

2010: Galerie d’art Cossin, Col de Léchaux - France

Galerie d’art l’Atelier, Annecy - France 2010: Art et déco, Montréal - Canada

2009: « Au-delà de la forme » - Bistrot Romain, Annecy - France

« Alter Ego » - Centre des Déserts, Les Déserts - France DUO EXHIBITIONS 2014 - « Langage et Signes » - Galerie 1040 – Montreal – Quebec - Canada

2007: « Inside-Outside » – Galerie d'art Van-Galen - Grenoble - France GRANTS AND AWARDS 2013: Prix du Salon d’automne de Chemillé décerné par le Conseil des arts - France



2013: Présidence d’honneur (La Grande Exposition Internationale d’ArtZoom) – Quebec - Canada

2012: Prix Zoom sur l’art (vote du public), Galerie d’art Vigneault – Quebec - Canada

Le Grand Prix de Peinture du CIAAZ (vote du public) – Quebec - Canada

Prix Canada/Amérique du Nord- Quebec - Canada

2011: Certificat de reconnaissance en tant qu’artiste de niveau international - (Ciaaz) – Quebec - Canada


2014: Membre du Conseil des Arts de Québec (table des arts visuels) – Québec - Canada

2014: Membre de l'Atelier 18 – Québec - Canada

2014/2013/2012: Vice présidente du Comité Culturel de Saint-Malachie –Quebec -Canada

2013/2012: Membre du collectif Buade – Quebec - Canada


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